Sunday, October 19, 2008

The California Post!

So my "California Chemo-cation" was really such a blast, and a wondeful way to both clear my head and approximately mark the halfway point of chemotherapy treatment. I feel absolutely blessed to have such wonderful girlfriends who were kind and generous enough to take care of me when I needed it most! So thank you, a thousand times thank you, to Kelsey, Sonja and Heather!

And now that it's been a week since I returned, I figured I'd better show you all some photos!

Here's a photo of Carmel, as seen from the beach. Kelsey's pad was only a short block away from the ocean. How wonderful!

And here's a photo of the beach! Beautiful!

And a blue sunset over the Pacific Ocean. We left the house every day around 6:00 to make sure we didn't miss it.

Here's an orange sunset.
Sonja and Carrie, smilin' beach bums!

Kelsey and Sonja, Bud Light drinkin' beach bums!

Our feet! In the sand! Best feeling!

On the first night, we returned to the beach to have a bonfire. We didn't have much paper to burn, so thank God Kelsey brought the lighter fluid...

Now our blaze is a-burnin'!

Kelsey and Sonja, makers of fire! Sonja decided to wear my purple wig...
Sonja wrote our names in the sand, and I thought it looked cool. "Not to prove that we were here, but to prove that we are here." -Roger Clyne

Here's me and a crazy line of spazzy fire! Sonja and I wore wigs down to the beach... a mistake because they smelled awful, like bonfire smoke, until I cleaned them yesterday.

I look awful in this picture, but Sonja looks really cute, so I put it up. I was trying to look surprised when they brought me a homemade birthday cake! How sweet, pun intended! We ate this morning and night for three days...

Some penguins at the Monterey Bay Aquarium...

We took a trip down to Big Sur and did a little hike to the beach. Here's the view when we got there!

Kelsey scrambling on a rock...

Sonja smiling on the beach....
We climbed that rocky thing because... umm we wanted to... It was really steep!

And here's the sign we saw once we got to the top! What can I say, we live dangerously...

Another view from the top...

OK, so the San Francisco part of the trip is grossly under-represented. By the time I got to Heather (and Jackson... and Brody...), I was pretty tired. And tired of taking pictures, too! But here's Heather and Jackson, both irresistably adorable!

And just for fun, a video of the cats and Heather playing with an earplug. Cats are funny!

Well, I hope you've enjoyed my California trip photos! Tomorrow I have my appointment for an ultrasound and mammogram, so please keep me in your thoughts in prayers. Pray that there's nothing there to see anymore!


tiddinmidd said...

Fingers crossed! (you had some great pics too!)

WellRocMiHop said...

Beautiful senset pic! I hope you get some good results today.

Anonymous said...

You do not look awful in the picture of you trying to look surprised, you look like you just pooped in your trousers!!! Hee Hee Hee.. In fact, you look wonderful and happy in all of the pictures.Hope all is well...

chartier/roberts said...

This is a great blog Carrie! Thanks for sharing this experience with all of us!