Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad News :(

So as you all know, I was really hoping that my next phase of treatment would be AC (adriamycin and cytoxan). AC treatment would have been 4 rounds administered every other week. The other choice was FEC (5-Fluorouracil, Epirubicin, and Cytoxan), which would be administered every three weeks. I guess the treatments are very similar, but because FEC is composed of three drugs, I would need three weeks to recover. I wanted AC only because it would be done sooner!

Anyway, today my onc called to let me know what our course of action would be. I was very disappointed to find out I will be doing FEC. So another 12 weeks of chemo is on the horizon. An extra month of this crap-- great.

I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be, but I am pretty bummed out.

I still have an appointment with my onc on Monday to discuss stuff, but she told me some things on the phone. I requested that she call me as soon as she knew which meds I would take because I feel like I have no idea what's going to happen to me, and I'd like to make plans.

She told me some stuff though: one tumor shrank from 2.6 cm to .9 cm and the other from 2.3 cm to 1.3 cm. I thought I remembered my onc saying that if both were shrunk to 1 cm or smaller, then we'd do AC. So I wasn't totally surprised. She also said that originally, I had 2 lymph nodes that were looking "suspicious." The ultrasound showed that one was 1.7 cm before and is the same now. :( I don't know how bad that is, but she did say that it doesn't necessarily mean there's cancer there for sure. The other node was 1 cm, and it didn't show up in the ultrasound, but my onc expressed some doubt that the tech went deep enough. She commented that it was a good reduction, but to get the best results, we need to do FEC.

Some good things: the E has less of a chance for heart toxicity than A, so that's good. And the C is supposed to really knock out tumors, so I'm still hoping and expecting to see more shrinkage next time. And this is supposed to give us a better chance at shrinking the tumors and getting me better, so that's good.

I don't know if I told you this, but I learned from my onc that when you're doing neo-adjuvant treatment, it's the stage you are BEFORE surgery and AFTER chemo that counts for your prognosis. So if I can get to Stage 1 or Stage 0 (dare to dream!), then my prognosis would be improved from being Stage 2.

Anyway, I hope this doesn't blow my dreams for skiing out of the water. It certainly will change them, but we'll just have to see how it goes. I hate that I can't make any long-term plans because I don't know what's going to happen as far as surgery and recovery times go, and whether I'll be doing 5 weeks or radiation, or what... FRUSTRATING.

But, to end on a lighter note, I've completed all 12 infusions of Taxol, and that's really something! I thought it would put me at 12/20 weeks, but it turns out I'm a little less than 12/24. So halfway. I know I said this was going to be "on a lighter note," but I have to say looking back on these 12 weeks, it feels like a long time. There was a time when I felt like time was really going by, and I couldn't believe I had done, say, 8 treatments already. Now I feel like time has morphed into molasses in January. In fact, I get my last infusion on this nonsense FEC schedule on Dec. 30, I think. So maybe I will be molasses in January.

Oh well.

Cancer is for the birds.


Anonymous said...

Young Thomas,I know it is frustrating to have to go through 4 more weeks of this, but it is 4 more weeks of you getting better, healthier and happier in the long run!! Remain strong oldster, for you are a very special and wonderful woman.. Was very nice talking to you. W

Anonymous said...

You know what they say... "When life gives you molasses, make gingerbread!"

At least I'm pretty sure that's what they say, and if they don't say it now, they will be saying it soon.

I love all the new pics on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I really like that Heather . . you'll have to bring her to WI some day . . . she could make lots of gingerbread!
Hang in there . . . your mom used to make gingerbread cookies, really fancy ones, so maybe you and her could do that for Christmas! And, send pictures!!!!
Love, Aunt Judy

the blond asian said...

I can't even begin to understand what you are going through...but I still feel for you. Just stay stong chica!! Remember..You and I have a date in Fiji when this is all over!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, I am so proud of your courage and attitude towards your recovery. Thank goodness the past is the past and the next 4 weeks will be as well. I think you should make any plans that you want. Make the cancer reschedule, or better yet,CANCEL!
Love and support from Kim.

Anonymous said...

I know that you are scared about your lymph nodes. Mine were larger than that. I had surgery first and foudn out they were benign. I hope you find out the same when you get to that point.

-jen (aka jdicocco)