Monday, September 29, 2008

Your Lovely Baldy

So I'm gonna be brave here and post some ugly photos of me. At least I'm wearing makeup, which is a rare occurrence anymore.

My hair is almost all gone, but there's still some stragglers hanging on. I should probably shave it again, but that just sounds so messy. I think it'll all come out with the next round anyway.

From straight on, it's not that bad...

But from the side, it's more noticeable. Plus, I just took my hat off, which makes my hair squish down and I look even balder.

Here's me as "The Thinker." I'm sure Susan would find this hilarious-- "Chemo Brain" has slowed my thought process and she's very patient when I try to express myself. Not much of a "thinker" anymore.

I miss my hair! Here's a blast from the past to remember what I looked like WITH hair... I believe I was 23 in this picture? Hard to say...

Aw, look at that girl. She has no idea what's coming...


Anonymous said...

I see a beautiful woman in ALL of those pics!!

Catherine said...

Love them all! You have a lot of hair!!! I think I had like 10 strands left after I shaved it. Good Luck today! Let me know how it goes :)

Anonymous said...

Carrie, you are still and will forever be the most beautiful woman in the world to me!! Hair or not your fabulous. Enjoy everyday as I have tried to recently. It is not easy,but if I can do it you can. I know you are strong, I wish I had it in me!Be positive Carrie as I am trying too..Nice to hear your voice on my phone even if it were not for the right reason.Your BEAUTIFUL and will always be. Goodbye, Wayne.