Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend Update!

Hey everyone, just checking in to say that I'm still feeling good! And I had a really nice weekend.

Someone recommended I watch the series Freaks and Geeks on DVD. It's so great! I'm addicted. So I watched a bunch of episodes of that on my cool TV. That was fun.

Also, my sister and her boyfriend came home yesterday with a bunch of groceries. She said, "We're making sushi tonight!" I thought to myself "Great, and I can't have any." But in the end, they were making sushi with cooked fish, and it was delicious! And it was really fun! My taste buds are almost 100% back which makes my life so much better. So Saturday night was a blast!

And today I didn't do much. I did go for a nice walk. It's perfect walking weather. And I think I might move myself up to attempting to jog. It would be so nice to feel in shape for when I do eventually go skiing. I'm thinking I'll go sometime after Thanksgiving.

I'm really hoping that the next treatment goes a little better than this last one has. I was feeling funky for 8 days! This time I get chemo on Tuesday, November 18, and there's a Peacemakers concert on Friday, November 21. I'm pretty much saying that I WILL GO to the show, but if I'm in really rough shape... nah I'm not even gonna consider that. And they play in Denver the next night, so...

I'm also glad that I should be able to taste my Thanksgiving dinner. The timing is pretty good for that one.

I'm a little nervous for the next treatment because the last one was so unpleasant, but I'm hoping that since I'll be going into it feeling good, it won't be as bad as last time. Last time I was feeling like I was getting sick, plus I also felt pretty beaten down by 12 weeks of Taxol. So please hope and pray with me that FEC #2 will be easier than #1!

I think I might be going to Denver next weekend to visit some friends and do some fun stuff. Maybe catch a Nuggets game or go to the art museum. Who knows?!?! I need to find more stuff to do with my newfound energy!


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you are still feeling better! I hope that it continues the rest of the week. Are the Nuggets any good this year?

Anonymous said...

Glad you have a new found energy, and that you will be able to taste your Thanksgiving dinner! Hope all is well. Working for the resort this winter, so if you ever need a pass or voucher to anywhere drop me a line..... email is Still think of you daily, be well young Thomas. Wayne