Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Preamble

The post I just wrote is kinda dark and depressing, a departure from my typical upbeat, you-can-do-it attitude. So in order to balance that out, I thought I'd better share something that's happy.

I missed the Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers show.

OK, that's not happy. I was feeling like total poo the night of the show. I had gone in to the chemo place to get extra fluids pumped into me, but they didn't help. I really wanted to go, but after a while I was realizing that what I REALLY wanted to do was go to sleep. So I decided to give my ticket away and get some extra rest. I was bummed, but more focused on the fact that I felt like a miserable sack of crap.

When I woke up the next day, I still had some residual chemo ickies, but they were fading (finally!). I peed like 20 times before noon, and I'm not exaggerating. I guess the fluids they pumped into me lasted for about a day and then started to really want to come out! As the day went on (and so did the peeing...!), I started to feel better and better. I called up my good buddy Amber, who had come up to Fort Collins the night of the show to see it with me, to see what she was doing. I wondered if she might maybe go with me to the show that night, Saturday night, in Denver, even though she had already come all the way to Fort Collins to see the show here. She was all about it, and was really supportive. We went to see RCPM in Denver and I had a blast! The Peacemakers are maybe a little better when mixed with Mexican beer and some tequila, but it was still really fun. Always a great show!

It really gave me the feeling that I wasn't letting cancer take all my fun away. Actually, I think I have a pretty good time, given the current circumstances.


amberrey said...

Yay, Peace Makers! Way more fun the second time!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you and Amber got to go.

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Anonymous said...

Glad you got to see your favorite band. Keep pushing on and stay strong! saw your old roomy @ the resort monday. we are co-workers, well, sort can always email me if you feel like it? Think of you daily. take care, Wayne

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow - I hope you're able to gorge yourself on some yummy food. Still keeping you in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, I'm sure the Friday concert sucked anyway! I'm glad you are feeling better today. I hope this week is wonderful, without all the shadows. If you need me, are bored, upset, or just want to chat, you know my email!