Monday, August 4, 2008

Chemo! Finally!

I received three phone calls before breakfast today. The first was a nurse with my insurance company, and she told me the happy news that my chemo treatment has been approved and authorized.

My oncologist called and told me that, yes, my treatment has been authorized and I would receive another call later today about scheduling it for today. She also told me that my PET scan didn't show any surprises, really; there was no sign of cancer in my lungs, liver, or bones, which is really good and indicates the cancer has not spread. PHEW! However, there is one "suspicious" looking lymph node, which is too bad, but we're keeping an eye on it, I guess. I really hope my lymph nodes can be fine because I don't want them to be removed. If they are, there's a chance I'll have to deal with lymphedema, which is sucky.

Then a nurse called, and my first chemo session is scheduled for 11:30. I'm excited to be getting started and finally start kicking some cancer ass, but I'm a little scared for the side affects. I guess in about 14 days I'll be bald! Yipes!

Anyway, more updates to come, and certainly a lot of backtracking because a lot has happened. It's just hard to find time to sit and type because I'm working on moving, and my brother visited, and all sorta of other stuff.

Anyway, send me those warm thoughts and positive vibrations around 11:30 MST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well. Love you, call you soon!