Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm A Broken Bouncy Ball

Just a quick chemo update...

It's going well still, but I'm noticing that I don't bounce back as quickly as I did with my first few treatments. At the beginning, I'd feel icky on Thursday and sometimes Friday. That stretched out to Saturday after a while. And this week I've been feeling better than last week, but it's Monday already and I'm not back to "normal." I guess those cumulative effects are starting to get to me.

I hope I feel great this week, though, because I'm going to California, baby! Send me "feel good" vibes!


Anonymous said...

Carrie, I am sending you tons of good vibes. I just finished 15 weeks of AC, and last Friday had taxol #12. Guess what I'm doing this week-end? Going to Florida. Hang in there, keep fighting, and never give up. Keep moving, keep exercising, and don't feel sorry for yourself or allow yourself to make excuses about chemo being cumulative. Go for it.

If I can do it, you can too.

By the way, I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Just get through chemo tuesday and you will be fine. just think, you will be on a plane soon, away from all of this. you can put it all aside for the duration of your trip and feel normal, well I don't know if you were ever normal, but enjoy your trip, be safe and I bet San Fransisco has some wonderful cape shops. Do not think of yourself as broken,but merely on the sidelines for a short period of time. Still thinking of you...Wayne

Anonymous said...

Just one more thing before I go. When you find that one special person that makes you feel like you are the only thing in the world, please, hold on tight and never let anything come between you and that person. sure, things will get rocky at times, but you must push through it!! Find that person Carrie, and never let him go, for you are a wonderful woman and you will make someone very happy someday. you are strong, intelligent, beautiful, and most of all, you are your own person. you will get through this and you will start a new life! I wish all the best in life, health, and happiness for you... I once found everything I ever wanted with another, and I managed to somehow completely ruin it all. You kicked that races ass, now go out there and kick that cancers ass. Be well, and most of all, be happy. I still say a prayer for you every night, and I think of you first thing every morning. There is not a day that goes by that, well, let's just say, oh forget it. Go kick some ass Carrie...

WellRocMiHop said...

Hi Carrie, I found your site through YSC. You have a great blog. I'll be participating in the Komen Walk in MD in two weeks. Thanks for showing a glimpse of what to expect! I'll be starting chemo tomorrow, and it's really great to see how well you've dealt with chemo so far. Remember there will be a day when you won't be feeling any SE of chemo! Take care, Kyung (survivor31)